I know many things have changed in the world recently but there are two things I will never get tired of: a telephone conversation with a loved one and a nice handwritten note. For many of us, these t...Read More
The spring/summer is here and that means vacation time. I have a few close friends who work for the same organization and they decided to have their work retreat in Puerto Vallarta. When they decide...Read More
Over the years I have heard people like Oprah, Iyanla and others speak about standing in your truth. I listened to many conversations and read many books to make sure I fully understood the statement....Read More
As there are many singles (including myself) looking for a suitable mate, I want to share my findings concerning dating. Some of these are my personal observations and some come from countless convers...Read More
As many of you know, I am not a fan of most reality television shows. I was in Atlanta two weeks ago celebrating my birthday and on Sunday my best friend asked that I watch the Real Housewives of At...Read More
We are quickly approaching what I consider one of the most commercial holidays, Valentine’s Day. Not only is it one of the most commercial, but it is also one of the holidays I dislike as well. Wh...Read More
I view celebrating a birthday just like celebrating the New Year. It is a time of reflection to look back and evaluate my successes, failures, and lessons learned. By having a birthday in January, I a...Read More
The holiday season is upon us and many are in a very festive mood, but there are also a lot of people who get depressed during this time. They get depressed due to the overwhelming need to purchase gi...Read More