Pushing Past Your Comfort Zone

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comfort-zone-paulo-zerbatoOver the last year and a half, I have been doing things to improve my life and find a little more fulfillment. While doing some self-discovery, I realized the changes did not have to be major but rather any step- small, medium or large- that would make me happy and get me closer to standing in my truth and living an authentic life.

When I realized that my job was not fulfilling me, I decided to start a blog. I wish I could take all the credit for that but I must give it to Dr. Phil. I was watching Oprah’s Lifeclass with Dr. Phil and an audience member had a question for Dr. Phil. She was not being fulfilled from her job and wanted to know what she could do. Dr. Phil said,” You should find a hobby to fulfill that part of you that is not being fulfilled by your nine to five.” I had what Oprah calls a “light bulb moment.” From that moment on, I have been full steam ahead blogging about things that are important to me and that could inspire others. The hardest part of blogging the way I do is sharing my innermost feelings and thoughts. But I knew that it had to be done so that I could inspire others. I have been blogging for sixteen months and I love every minute of it.

Still on a path to greater fulfillment, I had been thinking about going back to school. This was not an easy one because I had many reservations:

  • Am I too old?
  • Should I take classes online or in-person?
  • What class should I take? Degree-focused or not?
  • Would I fail?
  • Did I forget how to study?
  • Would I have the time to commit to studying?

Was I being my worst enemy? Where was my faith? I had to take a deep breath and do what I normally do when making major decisions: pray, write down the pros and cons and get the advice of my closest friends.

I am now half way through the semester and loving the class. Honestly, still after addressing all my fears I was still nervous the first three weeks of class. As time progressed I became more comfortable. I had to take my focus of insecurities and focus more on being open to the experience. I am learning new things, freshening up on old skills, participating in class more and meeting new people.

We all have them— the place where or situation when we feel safe or at ease and without stress. The more I experience life, the more I am learning that I must get out of my comfort zone! The benefits of pushing past your comfort zone:

  • You will never have regrets.
  • You will inspire others.
  • You will realize that perfection is not needed.
  • You will have better control of your life.
  • You will be able to live an authentic life.

I am feeling better and happier everyday because I am connecting with me on all levels. Living an authentic life!!!


Great things never come from comfort zones. – Chris James